Cryogenic storage tanks
Gas in cryogenic (liquid) form is used to supply customers with medium and large gas consumption.
Cryogenic tanks are designed for storage of cryogenic gases at the production site (T1), for gas transportation (T2) and for gas storage at the place of gas consumption (T4). Gas in liquid form is compact, which makes it more efficient to store and transport it.
By design, all cryogenic tanks are vacuum containers (thermoses), where vacuum plays the role of insulation.
Vacuum flexible hoses (T3) are used for convenient filling. Cryogenic tanks are refilled by filling the liquid gas to the bottom or upper part of the tank. The supply to the upper part reduces the pressure in the tank, changes the flow to the bottom part, vice versa. To measure the amount of gas in a pressure vessel, use the principle of the difference in gas pressure (P1) and liquid column pressure (P2). If the consumer needs gas in gaseous form, atmospheric evaporators will be used to provide heat exchange between the cryogenic gas and the environment. As a result of passing through the evaporator, the liquid gas evaporates, acquiring a gaseous state.
An excellent option for continuous supply, in which virtually no customer personnel is involved.
Interested? Contact us and find out the requirements for installing cryogenic stationary tanks on-site. We will help you compare the cost effectiveness of various supply options and other advantages and disadvantages of cryogenic gas supplies.